Deletion of Account
Deleting your account is permanent. This will permanently delete all your posts/ Explurges (including the data collected from Facebook or any other social platform at the time of signup) and you will not be able to retrieve back any content you have shared on the Platform. However, initially for first 30 days your account will be on deactivated mode. You can cancel your account deletion request by simply logging in your account anytime during next 30 days, if not, there after your account will get deleted permanently. Use this feature by CAUTION!
To delete, you can follow these steps:
1. Go to Setting in app menu. Click “Settings”
2. Look for “Deactivate / Delete Account” option and click
3. Choose “Delete Account”
4. Choose or mention the reason for making a request for account deletion
5. For security reasons, please enter your password
6. Congratulations, your request for account deletion had been accepted
In case you have used Facebook to sign-up into Explurger, the above process of deleting an account will also remove all the data accessed from Facebook. However, to remove Explurger from your Facebook account list, you can also follow the following steps:
To delete, you can follow these steps:
1. Go to Your Facebook Account’s Setting & Privacy. Click ”Setting“
2. Then, go to ”Explurger”
3. Select the option box next to Explurger
4. Click ”Remove” button.
5. You have successfully removed Explurger.